
We are experts in project life cycle management

Our Specialists

Marlen Gutiérrez, Joyco

Marlen Gutiérrez
Environmental Specialist

Marlen is an environmental engineer, specialist in Natural Resources Management, and specialist in Climate Change Projects, candidate for a master’s degree in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation.

She has extensive experience in ensuring compliance with socio-environmental legislation and client requirements, among which we can mention, among others, the Ministry of Transportation, the Instituto Nacional de Vías (Invías), the Agencia Nacional de Infraetsructura (ANI), the Government of Valle and the Instituto de Desarrollo Urbano (IDU) to ensure the proper implementation of environmental management measures necessary to mitigate negative environmental impacts that arise in the execution of projects, as well as proposing sustainability actions to preserve and conserve the environment. 

From the technical point of view, he has experience in the planning and long-term preparation of environmental management plans and programs, execution of due diligence, and verification of concessioned projects within the framework of compliance with the Equator Principles and environmental and social sustainability performance standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards. 

Likewise, he has actively participated in international training programs of the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (Fidic) and World Energy Academic of the World Energy Council (WEC).

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