
We are experts in project life cycle management

Cartago- Calarcá

ScopeAudit for the improvement works through construction, land, social and environmentally sustainable management of the second roadway in the Armenia-Calarcá and Armenia-Quimbaya sectors and improvement of the existing roadway in the Cartago-Quimbaya-Armenia-Calarcá road corridor at the Quindío and Valle del Cauca departments.   

Client: Invías  

Consortium: Consorcio Intervial Andino (formed by Joyco, Euroestudios and Saitec).  

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  • Obtain the lifting of the reserve subtraction for the Calarcá sector, in the Armenia – Calarcá section.   
  • Preparation and delivery to the National Environmental Licensing Authority of the Environmental Impact Studies of the requested sectors from La María to Calarcá and from Río Espejo to Montenegro.   
  • Transfer of electrical networks. 

Improved trafficability of the road corridor that connects the department of Quindío with the center of the country. Decrease in accidents due to the geometric improvement of the road. Strengthening of tourism through improved connectivity between municipalities in the region and other areas of the country. Likewise, the improvement of the social fabric in the area of influence of the project, through training and lectures focused on the productivity of various groups of mothers who are household heads and young people in the sector, as well as the creation of new jobs. 

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