
We are experts in project life cycle management

Finished Projects / Monitoring and Control
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Monitoring and Control

Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Technical Advisory to Project Funders

Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Expert's report

Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Due Diligence

Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Specialized Technical Consulting


Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Roads of the Integrated Public Transport System of Bogotá (SITP as its initials in Spanish)

Comprehensive auditing to execute at unit prices and at an exhaustible amount, the works and activities necessary for the conservation of the road network that supports the routes of the Integrated Public Transport System (SITP by its initials in Spanish), in Bogotá.


Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Magdalena trunk road - Section 2: Puerto Araujo - San Alberto

Audit for the continuation, improvement, overhauling, maintenance, social, property, and environmental management of the Magdalena trunk road, Puerto Araújo - San Alberto section in the department of Santander.


Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

94 Street Underpass (uneven roundabout)

Technical, administrative, financial, legal, social, and environmental supervision for the construction of the works of the uneven intersection of Avenida Laureano Gómez (9 Av.) with 94 Street and its connection with Avenida Santa Bárbara (19 Av.).


Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Central Mountain Range Crossing in Colombia

Audit for the completion of the Line Tunnel and second Calarcá-Cajamarca Road, project crossing the central mountain range.


Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco
Finished Projects – Monitoring and Control, Joyco

Elevated roundabout 6th street

Technical, administrative, financial, legal, social and environmental auditing for the adaptation of 6th Street to the Transmilenio system in the section between the Caracas and NQS trunk roads, including the intersection 6th Street - NQS, in Bogotá D.C.

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