JOYCO S.A.S. BIC incorporated and existing under the laws of the Republic of Colombia, now JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, acting as the controller of personal information, is identified through the following data:
Avda. Calle 26 No. 69-76 T. Tierra Of. 1503
Policy Objective
The purpose of this Personal Data Processing Policy is to establish the criteria under which the processing of personal information contained in the databases, physical and digital files of JOYCO S.A.S. BIC is carried out, thus complying with Articles 15 and 20 of the National Constitution, Law 1581 of 2012, Chapter 25 of Decree 1074 of 2015 and Ruling C-748 of 2011.
Scope of the policy
This policy applies to all personal information registered in the databases of JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, which acts as the party responsible for the processing of personal data. It also establishes the criteria that JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has incorporated for the processing of personal data, the mechanisms for holders to exercise their rights, the purposes, security measures, and other aspects related to the protection of personal information.
This Policy of personal data processing is addressed to any owner of the information or whoever acts as his legal representative and from whom JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has required personal information for the development of any activity.
ypes of personal data processed
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC in the development of its activities requires the processing of the following categories of data:
Treatment to which personal data is subjected.
The personal data obtained by JOYCO S.A.S. BIC are subject to the following processing:
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC collects personal information through various means in the development of the different activities related to its corporate purpose, and the obligations it has as an employer. The personal information will be obtained in three different ways: a) directly from the owner, b) from a third party if the third party has authorization, and c) from public sources of information.
Likewise, the collection of personal information may be carried out through physical, digital, or electronic means, and in each of them, a privacy notice and authorization shall be incorporated, thus complying with the requirements established in art. and of Decree 1074 and obeying the principles of freedom and purpose of art. 4 of Law 1581.
The storage of personal information contained in the databases or information systems is in the company’s servers within the country, and in external servers of third parties, which have physical, technical, and administrative security measures, and have access controls to the information, ensuring the principle of restricted access and circulation.
The personal information that is subject to legal requirements will remain stored in our databases following what the Law has established for this, in those cases where the Law has not pronounced the information will remain as long as the purpose for which it was collected is in force.
As a rule, JOYCO S.A.S. BIC does not share the personal data it collects with third parties. However, for the effective fulfillment of its obligations, it may deliver the data to other entities, covered by articles and of decree 1074 which establishes that the transmission of personal data is allowed when it is necessary for the execution of a contract between the holder and the data controller, or for the execution of pre-contractual measures as long as it has the authorization of the holder or there is a contract for the transmission of personal data.
The suppression of personal information that has been collected will be carried out when: (I) it is not necessary for compliance with legal, contractual, tax, financial, or auditing or is covered by provisions or requirements of the law, (II) It does not affect or imply the loss of traceability or integrity of the databases or information systems where the information is stored; (III) The purpose for which it was collected has been fulfilled or eliminated. (IV) It is requested by the owner of the data or whoever proves that he/she is authorized and does not go against the above definitions. However, some information may be kept only for statistical or auditing purposes.
Uses or purposes of the collection of information.
The use or purpose given to the personal information collected from each type of holder is:
Types of Holders | Purposes of use |
Clients |
Temporary |
Visitors |
Suppliers and contractors |
Interns |
Retirees and pensioners |
Employees and former employees |
Candidates and Applicants |
Prospectus |
Processing of sensitive data
The sensitive data collected will be processed for the following purposes.
Type of Sensitive Data | Purpose of Data Collection |
Biometrics |
Moral or emotional characteristics |
Health data |
Authorization for data processing
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC will request freely, previously, expressly, and duly informed, the authorization by the owners of the personal data and for this purpose will generate suitable mechanisms guaranteeing for each case that it is possible to verify the granting of such authorization. The same may be recorded in any medium, whether a physical, digital, electronic document, or in any format that guarantees its subsequent consultation through technical tools, complying with the requirements established in the Law.
In the processing of personal data of children and adolescents, respect for the rights of minors shall be ensured. JOYCO S.A.S. BIC may require the processing of personal data of minors to comply with legal aspects such as I) Article 32 of Law 789 of 2002 related to the obligation to advance the recruitment of apprentices and II) The right of affiliates to the Social Security System to affiliate any relative within the third degree of consanguinity or any child under 12 years (whether or not a relative) as long as they are economically dependent.
In case of requiring the direct collection of personal data of children and adolescents, JOYCO S.A.S. BIC will request the authorization of treatment with the informed consent of parents or responsible adults of minors.
Security and protection measures
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has adopted the technical, legal, human, and administrative measures necessary to ensure the security of personal data protecting confidentiality, integrity, use, unauthorized access, and/or fraud. Likewise, security protocols and guidelines have been implemented internally and are mandatory for all personnel with access to personal data and information systems.
Obligations of those in charge of personal information
Companies and/or persons external to JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, which under a contractual relationship perform the processing of personal data, must comply with the following obligations:
Guarantee the holder access, consultation, updating, and rectification of their data.
Request and keep a copy of the respective authorization for the processing of personal data informing the purpose of the collection.
Keep the information under security conditions that prevent adulteration, loss, consultation, use, or unauthorized or fraudulent access.
Adopt an internal policy manual to ensure compliance with Law 1581 of 2012, regarding the protection of personal data.
Allow access to information only to persons who may have access to it.
Comply with the obligations outlined in Article 18 of Law 1581 of 2012, and its respective regulatory decrees, relating to the protection of personal data.
In the case of operating as a person in charge of the information
In cases where JOYCO S.A.S. BIC operates as a data processor, the data controllers must request and retain the authorization of the owner of the information, for the processing of personal data by us, therefore JOYCO S.A.S. BIC assumes that the data controller has the consent of the owner of the information. JOYCO S.A.S BIC presumes that the person in charge of the information has the previous and express authorizations of the owners with whom it has contact, to make use of their data and will provide a copy of such authorizations in case we require it as managers, for the purposes outlined in the policy of processing of personal data.
Rights of the holders
The Fundamental Right to Habeas Data empowers the owner of the data to request access, update, rectification, and deletion of their personal data that own a third party, in turn, may revoke the authorization granted for treatment. If a holder of personal data considers that JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has access to his/her data, this person may at any time request the consultation of his/her data, or if he/she considers that JOYCO S.A.S. BIC is misusing his/her data, he/she may make the respective claim.
The holder is entitled to request:
Time of attention
Through the consultation mechanism, the owner of the data may request JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, access to his/her personal information. The query will be answered within a maximum term of ten (10) working days from the date of receipt thereof. If it is not possible to respond to the query within the referenced term, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay and will be given an answer within five (5) working days following the expiration of the first term.
Through the complaint mechanism, the owner of the data may complain to JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, any disagreement he/she may have about the use that is being made of his/her data.
The claim will be answered within a maximum term of fifteen (15) fifteen working days from the day following the date of receipt. In case it is not possible to attend the claim within such a term, you will be informed of the reasons for the delay, and you will be given an answer within eight (8) working days following the expiration of the first term.
In case the claim is incomplete, you will be required, within five (5) days following the receipt of the claim to correct the faults. After two (2) months from the date of the requirement, without submitting the required information, it will be understood that the claim has been withdrawn. When JOYCO S.A.S. BIC is not competent to resolve the claim, it will transfer it to the appropriate person within a maximum period of two (2) working days and inform the holder of the situation.
Procedure to exercise the rights of the data owner.
Any holder of the information or the person acting as his legal representative may exercise his rights. The following holders are merely for illustrative purposes and are neither exclusive nor excluding.
For the filling and attention of your request, we ask you to provide the following information:
Any exercise of your rights requires prior legitimacy, as described in Article of Decree 1074, so any request or claim associated with requests for access, rectification, updating, or deletion of data must be accompanied by any of the following documents:
In case the owner of the information requests access to images and/or videos where his/her information is captured, he/she must follow the following procedure:
For the procedure to proceed, JOYCO S.A.S. BIC:
Channels and Responsible
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has enabled the following channels for holders to exercise their right to Habeas Data.
Channel | Value |
Web | |
Cellphone | 3144694232 | | |
Receipt of documents | Avenida Calle 26 # 69-76 Tierra Of 1503 |
These are the only channels that JOYCO S.A.S. BIC has enabled for queries and claims for the protection of personal data, therefore, as the owner you should be aware of them.
The person responsible for effective compliance with the Policy, as well as for the queries and claims related to the protection of personal data of the owners in JOYCO S.A.S. BIC will be the Compliance Officer. In any case, the person responsible may require other areas of JOYCO S.A.S. BIC to verify compliance with the regulations related to the protection of personal data. In case of any doubt regarding this policy, you can contact us through the channels described above.
In the treatment of personal data, JOYCO S.A.S. BIC will permanently verify in its processes, protocols, procedures, and policy, that the right of habeas data is guarantee to the owners of the information.
Any holder of the information that has any relationship with JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, must abide by this policy. The holders of the information, other than end users, must comply with the internal policy manual on the protection of personal data.
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC guarantees the principles of legality, purpose, freedom, truthfulness or quality, transparency, restricted access and circulation, security, and confidentiality of the data contained in JOYCO S.A.S. BIC’s databases.
In compliance with the regulatory provisions, JOYCO S.A.S. BIC will carry out the registration of the databases in its possession following the provisions described in Decree 090 of January 2018, which amends and redefines articles Scope of Application and Registration Deadline of Decree 1074 of 2015.
The databases in which the personal data will be registered will have a validity equal to the time in which the information is kept and used for the purposes described in this policy. The personal data provided will be kept if the contractual relationship with the Holder of the information is maintained or if its deletion is not requested by the interested party and as long as there is no legal duty to keep it.
Changes and Validity
This policy is effective as of March 30, 2023, in its version 2 and replaces our previous policy of May 2021.
Receipt of documents
In this section, you will find both the response times established by law for queries or claims and the notifications required by law when there are significant changes in the management of personal data.
We create or update the uses we give to personal data.
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC as responsible for the processing of personal data in compliance with Article 13 of Decree 1377 of 2013 informs all its holders that we have made an update in the purposes or uses we give to the personal information we collect for the development of our activities. The update arises as a result of the identification of additional uses that we must give to the personal information of the holders.
This change or adjustment that we develop is focused on ensuring that the holders can always know what we use the personal information that we request or require through any channel or means of collection.
We will make this type of update when new data protection regulations come into force in Colombia or as a result of our work and commitment to the timely identification of the uses we give to the personal information of the owners If you wish to know our policy or have questions, please contact us by writing to the email to or entering our website
Yours sincerely,
Compliance Officer
We create or update our communication channels
Our Communication Channels
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC responsible for the processing of personal data in compliance with Article 13 of Decree 1377 of 2013, informs all its owners that we have made an update of the channels of attention that we have destined to inform or attend the aspects related to the protection of personal data.
This change or adjustment that we developed is focused on ensuring that the holders can always exercise, and in an agile and timely manner, the rights granted by law concerning the protection of personal data.
We will make such updates when new data protection regulations come into force in Colombia or because of our work and commitment to ensure that the owners can contact us at any time to learn about data protection or exercise the rights granted by law. If you wish to know our policy or have any questions, please contact us by writing to us at or by visiting our web page
Yours sincerely,
Compliance Officer
Update of data processing policy.
JOYCO S.A.S. BIC, responsible for processing personal data in compliance with Article 13 of Decree 1377 of 2013, informs all its holders that we have made an update to our policy for processing personal data. The update arises because of our effort to be aligned with regulatory requirements and the desire to provide holders with clear and simple information about the personal data we collect, how we use it, and how we protect it.
Any changes or adjustments we make are focused on ensuring that data subjects can more easily understand what information we collect and what we collect it for.
We will make such updates when new data protection regulations come into force in Colombia or because of our work and commitment to continually improve the management and processing of personal data. If you would like to know our policy or have any questions, please contact us, by writing to us at or by visiting our web page
Yours sincerely,
Compliance Officer