Monitoring and Control
Specialized Technical Consulting
Technical Advisory to Project Funders
Integral supervision for the complementation and/or adjustments of the studies, designs, and construction of the pedestrian networks, group B, Red Venecia, in Bogota.
Monitoring and controlling through the supervision of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) development and the environmental licensing process until the completion of the Boyacá Avenue, from 183rd Street to Guaymaral Avenue.
Audit for the improvement works through construction, land, social and environmentally sustainable management of the second roadway in the Armenia-Calarcá and Armenia-Quimbaya sectors and improvement of the existing roadway in the Cartago-Quimbaya-Armenia-Calarcá road corridor at the Quindío and Valle del Cauca departments.
Audit for the improvement works through construction, land, social and environmentally sustainable management of the second roadway in the Armenia-Calarcá and Armenia-Quimbaya sectors and improvement of the existing roadway in the Cartago-Quimbaya-Armenia-Calarcá road corridor at the Quindío and Valle del Cauca departments.
Monitoring, supervision, and control of the implementation of demarcation in strategic projects such as bike lanes, preferential lanes, high occupancy lanes, public squares, tactical urbanism, vital neighborhoods, complementary corridors, management measures, and the corridors assigned to the area of Suba, in Bogota.
Audit of the construction for the adaptation to the Transmilenio System of the Eucharistic Congress Avenue (68 Av.) from the Americas Avenue to the Centenario Avenue (13th Street) and complementary works in Bogotá.
Technical, financial, administrative, legal, social, property, and environmental management audit for updating and/or complementation of studies and designs for the improvement and maintenance of the high road pair of Daza route 25nre including the completion of the construction of the Bermúdez Bridge in the Nariño department.
Audit that includes technical, economic, financial, accounting, legal, administrative, operational, environmental, and socio-property auditing of the concession contract under a Public-Private Partnership scheme of the public initiative of the corridor called «Transversal del Sisga».
Strengthening the surveillance of the obligations of television service providers and operators.
Technical, administrative, financial, and environmental audit for the improvement, maintenance, and overhauling of the Villa de Leyva - Santa Sofía - Moniquirá and Buena Vista - Cantino roads, under the Boyacá Bicentennial Plan Conpes 3903 of October 2017 contract project.
Road administration of the Cauca highways in charge of the National Highways Institute.
Provision of new buses, construction of courtyard workshops, and operation of all the systems.
Auditing of the construction and improvement of the La Espriella - Mataje river highway, located in the southwest of the department of Nariño, is part of the Transversal Tumaco - Leticia and Ecuador connection, with this initiative we seek to increase economic exchange with the neighboring country.
Interventoría para las obras de mejoramiento y mantenimiento, gestión predial, social y ambiental sostenible de las carreteras Transversal del Libertador, Popayán-Totoró - Inza- La Plata y corredor del Paletará, Popayán-San José de Isnos Sombrerillos en los departamentos del Cauca y Huila.
Comprehensive audit (technical, operational, administrative, financial, legal, environmental, and social) for the execution of the port concession contract no. 006 of June 24, 1993, especially the Master Investment Plan agreed between the National Infrastructure Agency and the Sociedad Portuaria Regional de Santa Marta S.A.
Auditing for the improvement and maintenance works, property, social and ,sustainableenvironmentalt management of the Santa Lucía - Moñitos corridor in the department of Córdoba.