
We are experts in project life cycle management

Bogotá North Accesses

Scope: Carry out the due diligence for the tender of the fifth-generation (5G) North Access initiative of the city of Bogotá phase II, which is the mobility project that, through the improvement of the road corridors of the North Highway and Carrera 7, will make that the traffic through this area flows smoothly and without complications.

Client: National Highways Institute (INVÍAS by its initials in Spanish)

Consortium: Consorcio Vial Norte (made up by R&Q and Gómez Cajiao).

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Generate qualitative and quantitative analysis that allows the possible bidder to know the status of the project, its costs, planning of the work, and the possible risks that this type of contract can lead to.

Carry out the analysis of the traffic study and demand analysis, transport modeling, expert concept, among others corresponding to the chapter on demand levels and traffic study for the project tender.


By improving the existing road, the aim is to expand the north highway to 5 lanes on both sides from Calle 191 to Calle 245, connecting with the 4th generation North Accesses I concession, in addition to the construction of Transmilenio lanes, public space, bike paths, and uneven intersections.

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