
We are experts in project life cycle management

Daza Heights

Scope: Technical, financial, administrative, legal, social, property, and environmental management audit for updating and/or complementation of studies and designs for the improvement and maintenance of the high road pair of Daza route 25nre including the completion of the construction of the Bermúdez Bridge in the Nariño department.

Client: National Highways Institute (INVÍAS by its initials in Spanish)

Consortium: CJ 2019 (Joyco and Consultécnicos).

Execution time: 12 months 

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  • Workshop construction of the metallic structure of the Bermúdez bridge, 160 meters long.


When the road enters service, approximately 600,000 people will benefit, who will experience a reduction in travel times, both for heavy-duty vehicles and individuals heading from Pasto to Chachagüí, the Antonio Nariño airport, and Popayán. Likewise, a decrease in the accident rate is expected.

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