Roads of the Integrated Public Transport System of Bogotá (SITP as its initials in Spanish)
Scope: Comprehensive auditing to execute at unit prices and at an exhaustible amount, the works and activities necessary for the conservation of the road network that supports the routes of the Integrated Public Transport System (SITP by its initials in Spanish), in Bogotá.
Client: Institute of Urban Development. (IDU by its initials in Spanish)
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Achieve the logistics for the intervention in the different localities that were in charge of the contract, complying with the requirements in the number of work fronts required.
Reach agreements with the communities to establish working hours that do not affect the normality of the inhabitants of the intervened sectors.
Management with public service entities (EAAB and SDM) for maintenance or replacement of networks that have interference with the works we are executing.
Contribute to the improvement of SITP mobility among the six localities (Chapinero, Teusaquillo, San Cristóbal, Antonio Nariño, Rafael Uribe Uribe and Santafé) of Bogotá, which are part of this contract.