
We are experts in project life cycle management

Finished Projects / Due Diligence
Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Monitoring and Control

Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Technical Advisory to Project Funders

Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Expert's Report

Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Due Diligence

Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Specialized Technical Consulting


Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco
Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Bogotá North Accesses

Carry out the due diligence for the tender of the fifth-generation (5G) North Access initiative of the city of Bogotá phase II, which is the mobility project that, through the improvement of the road corridors of the North Highway and Carrera 7, will make that the traffic through this area flows smoothly and without complications.


Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco
Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Valle del Cauca Road Mesh

Value engineering for the tender of the concession project led by the National Infrastructure Agency, which consists of the "construction, overhauling, operation and maintenance of the new Valle del Cauca Road Mesh project."


Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco
Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Transmilenio Ciudad de Cali Avenue

Attention to the programmed and executed progress control of physical and economic works to the construction project to adapt to the Transmilenio system of the Ciudad de Cali main avenue Section 1, lot 2.


Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco
Finished Projects – Due Diligence, Joyco

Bucaramanga - Pamplona

Carrying out due diligence for the social component and archaeological review of the 4G Bucaramanga - Pamplona concession.

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